How To Stage Your Home For A PhotoShoot Before Listing

  | 2 min read

When it comes to real estate and listing your properties online making a good first impression should be your priority especially when it comes to a property which is up for lease (long/short term) or  for sale. You have a few seconds to wow or impress a potential buyer with your crisp pictures before they move to the next property.

Make sure your home is ready for listing with these tips below:

Your accessories must be on point

When preparing your home for a photograph session, you must be willing to go the extra mile in putting in place all the necessary interior that can fit in the type/design of the home you putting up for sale or rent. This gives the prospective buyer an idea of what to expect when his/her interior is done after purchase.

It should be thoroughly and spotlessly clean

A dirty home puts your listing in a not so good position; you can be rest assured that a buyer will be quick to click on the next property. The clean and tidy part of the house oozes class and radiances. Pay attention to everything that concerns the house, thereby putting them in a position where they can’t find any fault in the property.

Be sure your Kitchen, Bathroom are at their best

To a buyer the most important parts of the home are the spotlessly clean bathroom, kitchen and bedrooms, which are also the selling elements of every abode and they must be exceptional for him/her to show interest at all.

If there is need to replace one or two things for key features of the house to stand out, don’t hesitate. Clear out outdated toilet seat lid, washing sink, shower curtain and if possible new shelves. These will make a difference in the photos.

Clear out your clutter

It is very important you carry out this step if you want to show off your listings, clear every unwanted object like family photographs, personal belongings, irrelevant furniture and your children out of sight.

