How to Get Your Home Ready For the Rainy Season in Nigeria

  | 5 min read
Rainy season

Ways to Prepare Your Home For the Rainy Season in Nigeria

The rainy season in Nigeria usually runs from April through October every year. Sometimes, however, the rainy season arrives before April. Regardless of when the rainy season commences, there are certain things that must be done to get your house ready for the frequent downpour.

Clear drainages and gutters around the home

When gutters and drainages are clogged, certain consequences become unavoidable. For instance, the neighbourhood becomes prone to erosion as the flow of water becomes obstructed. Water flowing from clogged gutter builds up on the sides of your home. This weakens the foundation of the home and the ground around it.

The value of your home becomes lowered when you have drainages and gutters that are not cleared. Serious home buyers will not be too keen on buying a house built in a neighbourhood riddled with a clogged drainage system. You should not allow your gutter hurt your home’s value. Learn to clear and maintain drainages and gutters around your house.

To be on the safe side, you are advised to take out time to clear gutters around your home. The beauty of this is that you do not have to get this done by yourself. You can get people to get this done at a fee. The important this is ensuring that the drainages are not clogged with dirt and plastic bottles.

Please note that this is not something you do once before the rainy season and neglect all through the rest of the season. Preferably, clearing the gutters should be a part of your weekly schedule.

Pay attention to your roof

A leaking roof or one that caves in under heavy rainfall is not something you want to deal with after the rainy season has already kicked in. This is why it is advised that you pay attention to this. Get a professional to take a look at your roof and affirm that it is in good condition for the rainy season. In essence, ensure your roof is checked for cracks and leaks. Any detected leak or crack should be repaired in good time

Check for wall cracks

Carry out a thorough inspection of the walls around the house to ascertain if there are wall cracks. If you spot cracks in your walls, you would want to employ the service of professionals to get this repaired. What happens with cracked walls is that if left unrepaired, it allows rainwater to find its way into the walls which results in dampness.

According to Dr. Richard Shaugnessy, Director of the Clean Air Programme at the University of Tulsa, damp walls and houses have been proven to cause respiratory illnesses.

“Moisture in homes has been identified again and again to be associated with respiratory problems and other detrimental health to people within homes,” he explained.

Trim weed and grass around the house

Before the rain kicks into full gear, endeavour to get rid of the grass around your home. They are a natural habitat for rodents and a host of other animals you don’t want around your home.

Equip your home with power surge protectors

The rainy season comes with heavy rainfall as well as lightening. It is important that you buy power surge protectors if you do not have them in the home.

Power surge protectors are inexpensive and they protect your appliances against random power surge damage and lightning strikes.

Check electrical cables

Ensure you check all electrical wires and cables in the house and ensure that you do not have exposed cables lying on the floor of your home. This could prove fatal if it comes in contact with water.

Clear areas where water may stagnate

When water is allowed to stagnate inside or around the home, the result is that it becomes a conducive breeding ground for mosquitoes. This will eventually impact your health negatively as you become prone to mosquitoes and malaria. In addition to clearing areas where water stagnates, you should also consider getting mosquitoes for the home

Reinforce doors and windows

You should also carry out monthly inspections to be sure. Just before the rainy season kicks into full gear, you should give a detailed inspection to your doors and windows. Ensure the hinges and fixes in the doors and windows are intact and in good condition. If you find out that they are not faulty, consider removing them and reinstalling them.

If what you have at home are wooden doors, you should protect them. Painting or varnishing your wooden door and windows prevents them from absorbing moisture or rainwater. For best results, apply them just before the start of the rainy season.

Before the rainy season arrives, it is best to put your home in the best possible condition. Ensure your house is equipped with all you need and get rid of things that could make the season difficult for you.

Do you think your home is ready for the rainy season?

Samod Biobaku
A Nigeria-based writer and blogger who has written and edited for top brands including The SUN, Punch, Newswatch,, Bigsam Media, Nigerian Bulletin, Swish Interativ, Hello Nigeria, National LIFE, iCampus, Jobberman and Cheki.


    • Thank you for the comment Aliyu. We’re happy you enjoyed the article. We always look forward to sharing tips and ideas to make the home more enjoyable for you.

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      Thanks for reading the article and we are glad you were able to pick a tip or two from the article. We look forward to reading from you again soon.

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