4 Security Gadgets You Must Have In Your Home

  | 2 min read

The security of lives and property is the ultimate goal of every home in every community. We get carried away with drawing a plan for a house, building it, furnishing it and we tend to forget the most important thing which is ensuring the home is secured in every way.

Nigerians have constantly been faced with this problem of insecurity and the least you can do is play your part in securing all your family and property – you can achieve this with the few tips listed below.

Install a security camera today

Surveillance is one of the best forms of keeping track of happenings and monitoring every activity in, out or around your home nonstop. Cameras such as the closed circuit type are very effective and reliable but quite expensive. You can either watch the cameras with a live feed or through the recorded ones when you get home.

Install a burglar alarm as a backup

In a country like Nigeria where you are not always on ground to account for your properties or in cases where you are carried away with one activity or the other while you are at home – a burglar alarm is a must-have device to keep you in check. The alarm is an electric circuit placed in the doorway, and it alarm goes off when the circuit closes signalling a break-in.

Every home needs a distress alarms system

A distress alarm gives you the quick back up you need in terms of security and fire officials in case there is a break-in or some other emergency.  The distress alarm is activated by a button on the device unlike the burglar alarms that are activated automatically

The merit of this device is that you have the quick response of the law enforcement as your backup in case there is a breakage or robbery going on.

A carbon monoxide detector is needed too

The use of a carbon monoxide detector in every home is encouraged with the frequent carbon monoxide related deaths in the country; it’s significant that every members of every home protect themselves from this harmful gas.

With an increasing amount of generator users – a carbon monoxide detector helps clear the way for you on where to thread and where not to – it triggers an alarm in case the gas is detected.



