5 Ways Home Automation Will Change the Way You Live

  | 4 min read
5 Ways Home Automation Will Change the Way You Live

Picture yourself jumping from the era of walking over to the wall to switch off the lights to one where you can control the lighting, temperature, security, refrigerator and ventilation from your smartphone? Welcome to the era of smart homes.

Homes are getting smarter, thanks to technological advancement. You are gradually moving to that point in the future where the voice assistant becomes integrated into your home; everything in your home will be controlled by your voice.

Things are going to change from what you currently experience in your home. Here are 5 ways home automation will change the way you live.

Monitoring Your Home Gets Easier


You will eventually move away from installing expensive spy cameras all over your house to being notified the moment there is a breach of your security protocols.

With home automation, you will be able to check in on your family even when you are away using your mobile phone or tab.

Motion sensors in the home will notify you the moment suspicious movement is detected inside or around your house. These motion sensors can be attached to a hidden 360 camera, which captures pictures of the spot where the movement occurred. You will also receive an alert if your oven or gas cooker is left on and unattended to.

Reduces Anxiety


Have you ever found yourself in that awkward situation where you just can’t remember if you locked the door to your house or not? This can easily trigger anxiety but with a smart home, you will know for certain. From the comfort of your office, you will be able to see if your door is locked or open.

Relax Better

Relax Better

Smart technology will make it possible for your house to understand your mood and help you rest better. For instance, when you return home from work, your house can sense your presence and play an appropriate song and accompany this with appropriate lighting.

Your home becomes capable of doing things like welcoming you home and playing your favourite playlist. In a smart home, the nightlight knows when you get out of bed and brightens your path to the bathroom.

Parenting Assist

Assists With the Parenting

Home automation will go as far as switching on the light in your bedroom and send you a notification when your newborn or young children wake up in the middle of the night.

Babies are known to have disrupted sleep cycles in the middle of the night. Instead of getting out of bed to check on your baby, you can simply check on your tab.

Saving Energy

Saving Energy

The future home will be designed to conserve energy. What this means is that your air conditioning system and fan will alternate between staying on and going off when you are asleep. The goal is to save energy when you are asleep.

In cases where you leave the house and forget to switch off the lights, the smart home does this for you.

Give Your Friends a Thrill

Give Your Friends a Thrill

Your smart home will be capable of turning on the gaming console when your friends come around. This saves you the trouble of moving around to turning on the TV and game console.

In the not so distant future, home automation and smart homes will become heavily reliant on the voice assistant, which will not only speak you about your home and your needs but will also reply when spoken to. Its powerful voice recognition technology will ensure that only users you approve can access and use it

Home automation is becoming an increasingly growing trend and some posh neighbourhoods in Lagos such as Banana Island in Ikoyi, Lekki and Victoria Island are in the forefront of this property trend.

If you’re looking to buy a property or rent a home with home automation features, especially serviced apartments, ask your agent to explain the specific features that have been automated.

Samod Biobaku
A Nigeria-based writer and blogger who has written and edited for top brands including The SUN, Punch, Newswatch, Pulse.ng, Bigsam Media, Nigerian Bulletin, Swish Interativ, Hello Nigeria, National LIFE, iCampus, Jobberman and Cheki.