Home Decor: Avoid These 5 Living Room Decor-Mishaps

  | 1 min read

Do you want your living room to be the envy of all? Here are some common decor-mishaps to avoid:

1. Don’t use too many furniture
The axiom that simplicity is beauty is true. Don’t clutter your living room with unnecessary pieces of furniture. Although you may have attractive pieces, they don’t all have to be placed in the living room. You could place some of them in the master bedroom.

2. Don’t  hang chandeliers too high
Never leave the chandeliers dangling too high. They are supposed to give illumination to the room not the ceiling.

3. Don’t use busy textiles
When shopping for curtains or table clothings, avoid the ones with too many patterns or flowers as they have a way of making your living room look over crowded.

4. Don’t place art works too high
A piece of artwork should be placed in such a way that the focal point is about the eye level of any average height individual.

5. Don’t use too many throw pillows
Avoid over burdening the chairs with countless throw pillows. Although they add colour to the living room, they shouldn’t be in excess.
