Kids Room Decor: Affordable Decorating Ideas

  | 6 min read
Kids Room Decor - Private Property Nigeria

One golden rule to keep in mind when you think of kids room decor is that it’s all about colours and how you should apply them. For instance, you can’t have a 3-year-old and 5-year-old boys in a room painted all white; with a huge glass hanging on one of the walls. This is not appropriate for kids room decor.

Kids Room Decor - Private Property Nigeria 1

Children have an emotional relationship with colours. This explains why the best decorating ideas for your children’s rooms are those that highlight the bright, happy, radiant and creative side of life. Below are 10 ideas you should consider giving a try. They don’t cost a fortune and you’ll be amazed at the results you’ll achieve when you make them a big part of your kids room decor.

Wallpapers for children - Kids Room Decor - Private Property Nigeria

1. Wallpapers are Secret Recipes

You can’t go wrong with wallpapers for kids room decor. As your children grow, their favourite colours will most likely keep changing and you don’t want to get trapped in the loop of buying fresh paint tins for their rooms every year.

Find a store that has a rich stock of assorted wallpapers so that when the time comes to change them, you don’t have to struggle with dedicating time to finding one they like.

Wall Gallery - Kids Room Decor - Private Property Nigeria 1

2. Build a Mini Art Gallery

For kids room decor, this does not cost a fortune. Pick a wall in your child’s room that is either to the right or left of their beds and create a mini art gallery on the wall. You have a broad range of arts, shapes, alphabets, numbers and animals you can choose from.

You should ensure that your child likes the objects you are going to put in the gallery. It keeps the conversation with them going and actively sustains their interest.

Colourful Floor Tiles - Kids Room Decor - Private Property Nigeria

3. Go For Colourful Floor Tiles

Floor tiles are relatively affordable in Nigeria. Before you buy your floor tiles, ask friends who have experience buying tiles or check online stores for ideas. Colourful tiles bring warmth to the room and the best part is that you don’t have to go for a uniform colour. Consider mixing up the colours to achieve a custom design that works for you.

Another great thing about floor tiles for kids room decor is that if any of the tiles gets badly stained or torn, they can be easily replaced. You don’t have to change the whole rug but remember to have extra tiles at home so you don’t have to go shopping whenever there’s a need for a replacement.

Personalise the Room - Kids Room Decor - Private Property Nigeria

4. Personalise the Room

You can hang alphabets spelling out your child’s name over his/her bed. Ensure the letters are hung high enough to prevent your child from pulling them down but they should also be low enough to be visible by the child.

Consider adding ribbons to add a visual flavour to the letters. It doesn’t have to be just letters though. You can have numbers representing each of the months in a year. For instance, in March, you put up number 3. In April, you put up number 4. You do this up until you get to number 12, which of course, represents December. It’s even more fun if you get the children involved in the monthly exercise.

Decal - Kids Room Decor - Private Property Nigeria

5. Try a Decal

Two great things about decals are the fact that they are affordable and easy to replace. A decal is a design prepared on special paper for durable transfer on to another surface such as glass or porcelain.

You can add decals to the wall in your child’s room and they are prominently used on walls. At some point, your child will outgrow the decal in his/her room. When this happens, you can change it.

Curtains for Children - Kids Room Decor - Private Property Nigeria

6. Get Creative With the Curtain

There are tons of colours and designs to choose from and the fact that they are affordable just makes things even better. You can customise them, come up with embellishments or play around with colours as much as you can.

Coloured Shelves - Kids Room Decor

7. Throw Colours Around

In a situation where you want to add more colour to the room without shelling out money for a bucket of paint, you can get some tins and paint some parts of the room instead. For instance, you can spray-paint the back of a bookshelf, which is more subtle and also helps you save more money.

Used Tins - Kids Room Decor - Private Property Nigeria

8. Get Creative With Arranging Things

For kids room decor, the wall offers you more opportunities to decorate your child’s room than you probably realise. You can repurpose used cans and tins to store supplies like markers, crayons and coloured pencils.

Consider hanging them against the wall and close enough to the floor so that your child can reach them whenever he/she needs to retrieve items from them.

Ceiling design - Kids Room Decor - Private Property Nigeria

9. Don’t Spare the Ceiling

The ceiling can do more than just hold the bulb. You can let a few objects hang down from the ceiling on a thin wire. For instance, you can have little aeroplanes or spaceships hanging down. Ensure that the toys hanging down are not too big to hurt anyone when they fall or so small that your child doesn’t see them.

You can also stick arts and designs on the ceiling but try not to overdo this because this is where your child’s sight will be fixed when he/she lays in bed. Another great idea is to have a space theme; complete with all the planets in the solar system.

Throw pillow with initials - Kids Room Decor - Private Property Nigeria

10. Monograms Are Jewels

If you have more than one child in a room, especially if they are just a year or two apart, they’re bound to clash over ownership of items especially when the items are identical. One way out of this is to use monograms.

Items like throw pillows and toys are the biggest culprits. When you have their names or initials monogrammed on such items, you use one stone to kill several birds.

Final Thoughts on Kids Room Decor

According to a study on Children’s Emotional Associations with Colours, it was discovered that children have positive reactions to bright colours. Such colours include pink, blue and red. They, however, attach negative emotions to dark colours like black, brown and grey.

Therefore, it’s important to understand the psychology of colours in architecture especially as it concerns home design.

Samod Biobaku
A Nigeria-based writer and blogger who has written and edited for top brands including The SUN, Punch, Newswatch,, Bigsam Media, Nigerian Bulletin, Swish Interativ, Hello Nigeria, National LIFE, iCampus, Jobberman and Cheki.