Property Style & Feature: The Walk-in-Wardrobe

  | 2 min read

Any modern home should have a wardrobe in its rooms. There’s no negotiating this, even though racks and wooden wall hangers can be adapted to serve this same purpose. Wardrobes are excellent storage facilities in your room and they protect your garments. Try leaving your garments exposed during a heavy harmattan while you are away, and then you’d understand the shielding business wardrobes are engaged in. Wardrobes can be of different types, but walk-in wardrobes in particular have the following merits:

The idea of a wardrobe is room, room enough to contain one’s clothes, shoes, bags and what-have-you. Shopaholics probably understand this best. Walk-in wardrobes by their very nature are large. They have enough room for at least one person to literally walk into them. This in turn translates to more room to store and arrange your things. You need not worry about buying all that stuff in Paris, or wherever you shop, when you have a walk-in wardrobe to accommodate your acquisitions.

Organization and Order
Suppose you completely abhor chaos. You just can’t stand to see things strewn about. Walk-in wardrobes are for you. Because of their ample space, you can organize and order your things as you see fit in walk-in wardrobes. You could reserve the lower compartment for shoes, for example, put your bags above and use the n-shaped hanging rack spaces for your clothes. With this there’s order in your closet. No much fumbling is required to find anything.

You could fashion a walk-in closet as you desire. They are big enough to accommodate your quirkiness. Perhaps you want a dressing table in it, you could make that happen. You may even adapt a shelf in it into a mini library by arranging your books in it. Or, better yet, adapt your dressing mirror into a reading desk, where you can get away from the kids’ hollering, to savour a good book.
