Great ways to maintain the outside of your home

  | 2 min read

5We are a constant reminded of the stress involved and finance involved in maintaining the home and its environs, most of which includes repairs to some of our indoor appliances while we neglect the exterior part of the house in some cases.

You don’t have to wait till your outdoor device are spoilt before you start regretting that you didn’t maintain them or considering a repair or replacement. But the question still remains, how do you look after the outside of your home?

Below are some tips to help look after the outside of your home:


The roof

The roof is one of the most important parts of the home and yet the most neglected. Excess water or unwanted leaks from the tap of under the sink can cause a lot of damage to the home, and should be fixed immediately. Now imagine how bad a leak from the roof would be, this part of the home exterior should be monitored and maintained.

Clean your gutters regularly

Leaves or un-properly disposed dirt clogging up your gutters may cause problems to the flow of water. So it is advisable you constantly clean your gutters to prevent this from happening. One way of preventing this is installing a mesh over the gutters to avoid a reoccurrence.

Be mindful of the house when landscaping

Landscaping of the home is one of the great ways of beautifying your abode to your taste, but be mindful not to place plants too close to the brickworks as the moisture from the ground can seep through external cavities. This can lead to damage of the wall plastering or flooring.

Dispose your waste regularly

Always remember to dispose all accumulated refuse from the house whenever the disposal truck is around. This should be done regularly do avoid breeding termites in your home, and they are pretty hard to get rid of.
