DECOR TIP: Create The ‘Christmas-Mood’ At Home

  | 1 min read
Christmas Holiday Home Tour at

You don’t have to break the bank to get in the swing of christmas with your home decor. Here are 3 simple tips to get your home all ‘Christmasy’..

1. Christmas Wreath
This is probably the simplest way to get into the groove of Christmas with you home decor, hang a Christmas themed wreath on your door:

dsc_0353 wreath(2)

2. Accessorize with ‘Christmas Colours’
The main colours for decorating during the Christmas season are green, red, gold and white. You can introduce the warm Christmas feel into your home by infusing these colours to your home decor using throw pillows, blankets & chair covers, canes, candles etc:


3. Christmas tree
Clearly the most common way to get the Christmas season going. Christmas trees vary in size and accessories, lights, ornaments etc. Whatever your choice, you can never go wrong with a christmas tree.


You may combine all 3 tips above for a W-O-W effect!


Season’s Greetings!


