Reason Why It Is Essential To Conserve Energy In Your Home

  | 2 min read

It is advisable to adopt a prudent savings pattern this year to avoid sliding into financial difficulties so early in the year. One way to do this is by saving on energy bills in your home and this can be done in the following ways:

Turn off Appliances When They Are Not in Use

When appliances are left running when they are not in use, they consume energy which will cost you when electricity bills show up at your door. Remember to switch off lights, televisions, computers and high energy consuming devices like pressing irons, water heaters, refrigerators, and air conditioning units when their functions are not needed.

Use Low Energy Consuming Compact Flourescent Lamps

Compact Flourescent Lamps (CFL’s) are also known as energy saving bulbs. Compared to the conventional incandescent lights, CFL’s consume as little as one-fifth the electric energy and last 8-15 times longer while delivering the same amount of visible light.

CFL’s may cost more at initial purchase but they can save up to 5 times the electricity costs over the course of their lifespan. These energy saving bulbs last up to 6 times longer than incandescent light bulbs.  When installing energy saving bulbs, use the appropriate bulb which suits the room size or the function it will perform.

Buy Appliances With Low Energy Ratings

Older models of appliances consume more energy than new models and this difference could become substantial over a period of time. When trading-in older models for newer models, you might have to pay a little extra but it would be worth it as you get to save a considerable amount in the long run.

Saving can only be effective if it becomes a habit, so you should ensure that you constantly apply these energy saving tips for effective savings.
