Three reasons why you need to number your house properly

  | 2 min read

Have you thought of how difficult it would be navigating the streets without street names or houses without their numbers?  To make matters worse, there won’t even be a destination to arrive at.

However in a country like Nigeria where there is a need to adopt proper and organised numbering systems that help with easy location and description. Below are the reasons why you need to help number your house in a proper and orderly manner.

It’s a form of identification
Your house number is a form of identification for your property, it makes it easier for people to recognize and relate with the occupants of the house. In the case of an Emergency, response teams may not  locate your house if it is not properly numbered. This may lead to untimely death or extreme severity of accident or mishaps. Casual visits of guests or even government agencies for inspections etc will be carried out efficiently especially when houses are easily located and identified. Time spent on house searching can be saved.

It makes delivery easy
With a proper numbering system in place, deliveries are made easy. If you are one of those who receives mail a lot or shop online on a regular basis, getting a plainly legible and visible sign which bears your house number should be in erected in front of your property. Provision of numbers served the purpose of assigning a unique address to each house. Be sure there are no shrubs, trees, flags or yard ornaments blocking the numbers.

For organization within the estate or surrounding 

Proper house numbering helps in synchronizing the number series in a particular location. For example in an estate where there are twin duplexes, the possibility of arriving at your destination is slim – which is why a numbering system like ‘House 1A and 1B ‘ is put to use. House numbering generally gives a sense of order in the neighborhood/community. It promotes organisation in the society.




